1、Upgrade to RP0106 versioon Online
A. Insert your SIM card and Connect LG6851 with the computer. turn of the power, open in the browser. Change to English in the top of right.
User name: admin, Password: bottom of router

B. Management–>Upgrade Management–>Firmware version,click the Upgrade button, The upgrade is completed in about five minutes. It need to keep online.

C. About after five minutes.It’s upgraded.You can check it. If the upgrade is not successful, restart the router and repeat the first step above.

2、Change IMEI code
A. Login with the superadmin name.

B. Mobile Network–>AT Command

C. IMEI repair command: AT+ EGMR=1,7,”xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” submit, the IMEI code is 15 characters.
D. Result show OK. then Restart the router.